Change WordPress template parameters
If you would like to customize your Ziggeo experience on WordPress, You can now change/edit the template parameters to fit your needs, and it’s a very simple process. Below are the steps to change/edit the Ziggeo template in WordPress:
Pre-requisites: Ziggeo WordPress integration.
1. On your WordPess dashboard, scroll down to find settings:
2. From the settings sub menu, click on Ziggeo Video:
3. On the Ziggeo menu, click on the Templates tab:
4. Scroll down to find the Template Editor, and select your template base:
5. Once you’ve selected the template base, the editor will open the required code for you, all you need to do is select the parameters and assign values, you can see the full list of parameters underneath the editor box:
NOTE: If you’re not sure which parameters to use, simply hover (place your mouse pointer) on the parameters and a small window will pop up with information about that parameter:
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