Screenshot options
Been using the video recorder etc. and is working great.
I also request the screenshot image when a video is processed.
Problem is the screenshot seems to be taken from the end of a video, not the beginning. Makes for a lousy screenshot.
Can you choose a default maybe in settings for the account? (take screenshot from beginning of video) or perhaps (take screenshot from 5 seconds in) or end etc.??
Official comment
Hi Todd.
Few things can be done for that:
- you can always re-adjust the image by going into your dashboard
- you can set the default time for the snapshot to be made or
- give the option to choose the snapshot to the people recording the video
Dashboard approach
This is great when a video is uploaded and you as in owner of the service decide to change it up a bit.
You can do that by:
- logging into your Ziggeo account
- Clicking on the application (in the left menu) that has the video(s) you want to edit
- Click on Videos submenu
- find the video that you wish to edit
- click on it
- under the preview on the right, there is a link that says "Edit Video Meta Data" and clicking on it takes you to new screen
- Field under "Regenerate cover shot at second" allows you to specify exact second where the snapshot should be taken from
- After setting the second click "Save Data"
Default snapshot time
There is parameter that you can use called default_image_selector which allows you to specify the percentage when the snapshot should be taken from automatically.
The percentages are entered in float number format (with decimal spaces) and goes 0 to 100% where 50% would be middle of the video.
This is however only available in v1 and is not available in v2 because we found what works best, which follows..
Make gallery of snapshots available
By default it is available and any snapshot from it can be selected. The arrows of the gallery allows to loop through a lot of snapshots before selecting the best one.
If you are using v2 and are not shown this gallery, it is best to check for presence of the following parameters:
- gallerysnapshots
- picksnapshots
- snapshotmax
If you are specifying any of them, make sure that values are what you think would work best in your case, or what your own preference is.
By default our system should grab the image at the middle of the video.
Hope this helps and of course let us know how it goes :)
Bane -
Your system places the image via FTP for us and the video is taken using cellphone primarily which doesn’t allow a gallery choice option
I use V2 for recording
Not sure how I can get the beginning of the video instead of somewhere in the middle?0 -
We can’t manually login to the dashboard every time a video is sent
0 -
Hi Todd,
I agree, logging into dashboard is not a recommendation for every video, rather only if you happen to have a video that you want to change at some points in time.
I have confirmed with our engineers that it is automatically grabbed from the middle, which in general is the best place to do so, however I understand that in your case it makes sense to take one from the very start instead.
Our engineers told me that they will look into and a snapshot gallery should be shown on mobile devices as well with our r31.
* then everyone would be able to pick the best photo.
It should be released in about 2 weeks - after 4th of March
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