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Direct API Access


1 comment

  • Bane

    Hi Ken,

    Thank you for reaching out to us about this. I do apologize for the delay in reply. It is my own fault that our notification system was not set up in a way that would allow us to properly get notified of any new content up for moderation.

    We have taken steps to improve on this, and going forward our entire team will get notified at any point in time we have any content waiting to be moderated, allowing us to answer back quickly.

    I also want to thank you for your understanding on this and I am looking forward in assisting you with your request.

    Now when it comes to API there are some less and some more complex things you would need to be aware of.

    If you are not too familiar, it might get to a point where you might need some additional assistance for which I would suggest to reach out to us as we are happy to assist with the same.

    At this time there are 3 ways of accessing our API.

    1. We have server side API. This is utilized in our server side SDKs, such as our PHP SDK:

    This API offers you high control over the content as it can create, modify and remove many different things within the system.

    One thing to keep in mind is that it is designed to be used within the backend as it requires app token, private key and for some calls encryption token. Out of those 3 only the app token is designed to be shared publicly.

    Because of that reason you would likely want to utilize our client side API.

    2. Accessing client side API through JS SDK.

    This will make it much easier for you to do something as many things are handled by our JavaScript codes.

    You can see example of the calls here:

    The benefit is that you just need to provide the token while creating the application and our system handles all connection.

    That said, something that matches best your question is the third option, and that is

    3. Accessing the client side API through direct URLs

    Here it would be best to start with tokens.

    Depending on the region you are in, your tokens will look differently.

    They can start with "r1..." or they can start with anything but "r1".

    If they start with "r1" the token is for our EU region. If they do not, then you have US region.

    * At this time we only have US and EU regions. We do have plans for adding AU region and likely more in future, however the information will still apply, where the number after "r" would just change up.

    Now, the API page above will help you with the exact paths that you should use for the action of interest. I will just show one as an example:{APP_TOKEN}/videos/{VIDEO_TOKEN}

    Now in the above you would replace:

    1. {APP_TOKEN} with the application token from your account.

    2. {VIDEO_TOKEN} with the video token from the application in your account hosting the video

    That specific call with GET would give you the video data. Since our API is RESTful it will depend on the option you use what kind of action you will be making and how.

    Hope that this helps and please do let us know if you have any additional questions for us that we can be of assistance with :)


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